
Samsung Notes File Management Nightmare

 i thought this needed its own post, but it goes along with the previous post about android migration.

i had over 600 notes in the samsung notes app v.2 from 2019, i intentionally never updated my phone for 5 years because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME SOME DIPSHIT DEVS ROLL OUT UPDATES IT FUCKS EVERYTHING. 

for 5 years i had flawless function, clean & intuitive but practical & unobstructive interface. no unnecessary permissions or mandatory privacy invasions or straight up data larceny.

then when my phone was clearly at the end of its rope, i went through the process of migrating to a new device. most hurdles were surmountable, but when it came to samsung notes, .....another story.

i was able to back up to samsung cloud, but then couldnt import, THEN COULDNT DELETE FROM THE CLOUD & SAMSUNG CUSTOMER SERVICE DIDNT HAVE THE FIRST CLUE OF HOW THEIR SOFTWARE WORKS. probably because the dipshits update the fucking thing every 3 hours.

then i was able to export as pdfs, but it obliterated my carefully curated notes folder system & discarded all my notes titles.

then when i went back to my old phone to explore other options, the samsung notes app had somehow force updated COMPLETELY ON ITS OWN! 

that meant that now all my notes were not compatible with the new app without converting.

i was able to create backups in the form of .sdoc files, but literally NO OTHER SOFTWARE can open these. i converted one to a .zip as a test, which revealed the binary .dat files that make up the .sdoc, but no other program can translate those .dat files besides the fucking OLD VERSION of samsung notes.

i then tried to uninstall the new samsung app offline & install a backup .apk i made of the original samsung notes, but the app update planted some bug in my old phone that restricts it from installing the old app again...........

FUCK SAMSUNG SO MUCH. ill never use samsung notes again.

i have to sit & convert AND RELABEL all my PDF backed up notes, one by one on PC, but after that ill only be taking notes in .odt or .docx format on Collabora Office or Dark Note for the foreseeable future, the only non-data collecting non-ad spewing free office/notes apps ive found these days that support clear custom destination file exports.

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